Role Based Services not working with eGuide
Additional Information
Possible work arounds include:
- Any regular eGuide role that has been assigned a container or a group as a member through eGuide Role Management in iManager will not be detected through eGuide, even though rights are properly assigned in the directory. Possible workaround without updating the jar: Assign regular eGuide roles to individual users instead of groups or containers.
- Any self-provisioning eGuide role is not being detected when attempting to edit personal information from eGuide. Possible workaround without updating the jar: Make self-provisioning edit assignments through eGuide Role Management in iManager. This will set the appropriate attribute rights in the directory. Then, from the eGuide Administration utility, set all desired attributes to "Editable" to reflect the"Editable" attributes which have previously been configured in self-provisioning roles in iManager.
Formerly known as TID# 10075387