Novell GroupWise 7
Novell GroupWise 32 bit Client
During either initial priming of new mailbox or in general
upgrading caching mailbox, a client displays a message about
GroupWise server being busy and next retry in 1 or more
A problem is related to TCP Handler threads available for
a C/S connections and allocated for a priming of caching mailbox. A
default POA settings are set too low which results in a situation
when there is only 1 TCP thread allocated for a priming and a
live move. If one two users tries to prime their caching mailboxes
in about same time, only the first one gets served. Even if his
caching mailbox update is finished, a thread is till kept locked
for few more minutes thus next user who tries updating his caching
mailbox get server busy notification as there is no free thread
Increase a number of TCP handler threads on POA settings
to any higher number than default 6. It is good also to
increase in parallel in a same way also a number of Message Handler
Threads. Then also a percentage of Max Thread Usage for Priming ad
Moves. Those settings can be configured from ConsoleOne and also
via HTTP interface of a POA which might be better option as you can
see a number of allocated threads for priming directly.
Enabling HTTP interface on POA:
- Start ConsoleOne and view properties of POA.
- Go into GroupWise | Agents Settings -> HTTP Settings section and define a HTTP User and Password.
- Go also in GroupWise | Network Address to note or modify HTTP port.
- After that you can monitor a POA via web browser link http://
: . You get authentication dialog where you need to supply a user and password you defined in step 2.
Modifying POA settings via HTTP interface:
- Connect to a POA via web browser,
- Click on Configuration link and scroll down to a Performance Settings.
- Here you can modify C/S Handler Threads by clicking on a link. Similarly Message Worker Threads.
- Scroll down on Configuration page in a Client/Server Settings section. Click on Max Thread Usage for Priming and Live Moves. On next displayed page you can use drop-down menu to increase Maximum Percent allowed parameter. After you click on Submit, you see how many threads in numbers are allocated. Make sure that at least 2 are allocated. Also remember, threads are shared and dynamically allocated on demand so you do not need to have 1 thread for each user considered.
- If you modify a priming settings from ConsoleOne, POA | Agent Settings, consider after a change a restart of POA to take those changes in effect.