Novell GroupWise PDA Connect 1.0
If you right click with your mouse on the Palm HotSync icon on the
Windows tray and select Custom you will see the installed Palm
conduits. Among the installed conduits you will see Contacts and
Address Book, prior to installing GroupWise PDA Connect.
Note: A Palm
Conduit is application software plug-in that is responsible for
synchronizing data from a Palm device to a host computer via
Palm Hotsync
When you install GroupWise PDA Connect it will remove the
Contacts / Address Book conduit if you sync with GroupWise.
Users cannot synchronize with the Palm Desktop contacts or address book after installing GroupWise PDA connect
Users cannot synchronize with the Palm Desktop contacts or address book after installing GroupWise PDA connect
This is working as designed currently. There are no immediate plans
to change this but is on a list for future consideration. You
cannot sync with multiple conduits of the same type. If you choose
to sync your Contacts and Address Book with GroupWise then you can
no longer sync with the corresponding same items on your Palm
Desktop. The only possible workaround would be to not choose to
sync these items with GroupWise.
Recent Customer Question with regard to this TID: How can you put back the ability to sync with the Palm Desktop (Calendar and Contacts) after you have already installed GroupWise PDA connect ?
Answer: You cannot. Once GroupWise PDA Connect has been installed and you have used the product to sync with your device, it removes the conduits to sync with the Palm Calendar and Contacts. The only way to get these conduits back to synchronize data using the Palm Desktop would be to un-install GroupWise PDA Connect and the Palm Desktop software ( with Windows Add - Remove Software ) and then re-install the Palm Desktop and Hot-Sync software. Hopefully you have previously exported Palm Calendar and Contact data so then you can just import it back into the Palm Desktop program. GroupWise has not mechanism to put back the Palm Calendar and Contacts conduits.
Recent Customer Question with regard to this TID: How can you put back the ability to sync with the Palm Desktop (Calendar and Contacts) after you have already installed GroupWise PDA connect ?
Answer: You cannot. Once GroupWise PDA Connect has been installed and you have used the product to sync with your device, it removes the conduits to sync with the Palm Calendar and Contacts. The only way to get these conduits back to synchronize data using the Palm Desktop would be to un-install GroupWise PDA Connect and the Palm Desktop software ( with Windows Add - Remove Software ) and then re-install the Palm Desktop and Hot-Sync software. Hopefully you have previously exported Palm Calendar and Contact data so then you can just import it back into the Palm Desktop program. GroupWise has not mechanism to put back the Palm Calendar and Contacts conduits.
Additional Information
Formerly known as TID# 10096856