Access Gateway Embedded Service Provider Configuration reporting error

  • 3031763
  • 08-Jun-2007
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Access Management 3 Linux Access Gateway
Novell Access Management 3 Linux Novell Identity Server
Novell Access Management 3 Access Administration
Access Manager Beta 1 build of Support Pack 1 applied


Customer installed the Access Administrator and Identity server (IDP) components on the same platform. Confirmed that all went well via the health check and access to the IDP server portal page (/nidp) would prompt the user to authenticate as expected.

Then installed a Linux Access Gateway (LAG). Followed the Linux Access Gateway documentation line by line at Under point 13, a screenshot including a fully green health check is presented, which customer did not see. After configuring the Indentity server configuration section of the LAG, the administrator would always get the red light under the health check, reporting that the 'Access Gateway Embedded Service Provider Configuration' had an issue.


Must configure at least one reverse proxy service on the LAG before the green light is possible. Once the IDP configuration was set on the LAG and a reverse proxy was configured (which automatically becomes the embedded service provider URL), the green health check appeared after applying the changes.

The documentation is actually incorrect and will be addressed to reference this. The UI will also be updated warning administrators that a reverse proxy service must be defined if an IDP configuration exists without a corresponding embedded service provider.