32bit NDSD memory limit 3gb on 32bit Linux and 3.7gb on 64bit Linux

  • 3019223
  • 30-Jul-2007
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell eDirectory 8.8 for Linux
Novell eDirectory 8.7.3 for Linux


32bit NDSD has a memory limit of 3gb on 32bit Linux and 3.7gb on 64bit Linux.
32bit NDSD can become unresponsive after 2gb of memory is taken.


eDirectory 8.7.3.x has a maximum memory limitation of 2gb on 32 bit Linux.
eDirectory 8.7.3.x has a maximum memory limitation of 2.7gb on 64 bit Linux.
32bit eDirectory 8.8.x has a maximum memory limitation of 3.0gb on 32 bit Linux.
32bit eDirectory 8.8.x has a maximum memory limitation of 3.7gb on 64 bit Linux.

This has to do with the Linux kernel configuration. The following links provide more detail: