Error -601 adding user or group to Printer Agent ACL

  • 3009768
  • 22-May-2006
  • 15-Jan-2014


Novell iPrint 4.05
Novell Netware 6.5 Support Pack 5
Novell iManager 2.6
Novell iPrint Client 4.16
User or Group name contains non-English character.


    (Error -601) The object name entered could not be found in the context specified.
    Error Reading iPrint ACL's: Error -601.
    Attempting to add a User or Group to a Printer Agent's Access Control List through iManager when the User or Group object contains a non-English character (for example, é).

   System Administrator can modify Access Control List(s) using NWAdmin.


Install the iPrint Plugin for NetWare dated 28APR2006 or later if the server hosting iManager is NetWare 6.5 SP4 or later and has iManager 2.5 or later.  The plugin can be found by:
               1.  Go to 
               2.  Click Novell iPrint from the "Product or Technology" drop-down list. 
               3.  Click the Submit Query button.

Be sure to follow the installation instructions by clicking the View button next to "Installation Instructions".