LDAP SSL configuration for Novell eGuide on OES Linux

  • 3008127
  • 07-Sep-2006
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell Open enterprise server service pack 2
eGuide 2.1.2


Setup secure communication with LDAP server over SSL for eGuide.

When trying to setup SSL connection to the LDAP server through eGuide admin web interface (going to Configuration -> LDAP Data Sources -> Edit, check the enable SSL box ) getting error: ERROR: Failed to setup SSL, you may need to configure SSL manually. See the eGuide manual for specific instructions


  1. Open file /var/opt/novell/tomcat4/webapps/eGuide/WEB-INF/properties/directories.properties
  2. Edit the line "BookEnableSSLKey=false" to be"BookEnableSSLKey=true"
  3. Save the file
  4. If different then localhost LDAP is used, LDAP certificate from that LDAP needs to be imported into the server running eGuide. This can be done by exporting the certificate used in the LDAP server in .DER format, and running the keytool command:
    keytool -import -alias  -file  -keystore  -storepass changeit
  5. Restart tomcat by running "rcnovell-tomcat4 restart"
After tomcat restarts, eGuide will be communicating with LDAP securely over SSL, port 636.