Unable to find the statistics bean PortalLoggedInUserStatBean

  • 3008016
  • 24-Apr-2006
  • 16-May-2013


Novell exteNd Director 4.1
Novell exteNd Director 4.0


Enabling the statistical bean com.novell.nps.statistics.statBeans.portalLoggedInUserStatBean in the exteNd Director administration interface fails.

  ERROR: Unable to find the statistics bean com.novell.nps.statistics.statBeans.PortalLoggedinUserStatBean

In the debug.xml output (logging priority is low), we see :

  ERROR: ava.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.novell.nps.statistics.statBeans.PortalLoggedinUserStatBean


This is caused by the case-sensitivity of Java classes.  The portal must be instructed to use a different class name (using an uppercase "I") :
  1. Login to the portal administration (using https://servername.or.ip/nps/admin.html)
  2. Click on "Portal"
  3. In the middle section, click on "Configuration"
  4. Click the "All Settings" button
  5. Locate the "Statistical Java beans available to portal" - the values for this add class names for statistics intent
  6. Locate the value stating"com.novell.nps.statistics.statBeans.PortalLoggedinUserStatBean"
  7. Change the value to"com.novell.nps.statistics.statBeans.PortalLoggedInUserStatBean"
  8. Restart tomcat
Notice that the only difference between the two values is an uppercase "I".  Java classes are case sensitive, and the class name should have the uppercase "I" in it.  Once the appropriate class name is listed and tomcat is restarted, the portal will be able to use the bean for statistics.