ZENworks 6.5 Server Management Support Pack 2 - ZSM6.5 SP2 Tiered
Electronic Distribution (TED)
ZENworks 7 Server Management Support Pack 1 - ZSM7 SP1 Tiered
Electronic Distribution (TED)
TED is deleting
the working directory.
"Error -776: The NDS database is in the process of closing and cannot field the current request." Located in the TEDLOG.LOG file.
"2006.01.23 01:25:14 [TED:Event Processing] Error finding the subscribers for the distribution: This Distributor cannot determine if any subscribers should clean up their working directory for the distribution.
2006.01.23 01:25:14 [TED:Event Processing] *** Exception:
com.novell.admin.common.exceptions.UniqueSPIException: (Error -626)
The object could not be found. It is possible that the object
exists, but the server could not communicate with the server
holding a copy of the object. "
Error found in the TEDLOG.LOG file.
"Error -776: The NDS database is in the process of closing and cannot field the current request." Located in the TEDLOG.LOG file.
"2006.01.23 01:25:14 [TED:Event Processing] Error finding the subscribers for the distribution: This Distributor cannot determine if any subscribers should clean up their working directory for the distribution.
For ZSM6.5 SP2: fixed in ZENworks 6.5 Server Management SP2 IR1a found at https://download.novell.com
Allow eDir to finish loading prior running ZENworks for
Additional Information
When TED was
loaded it was unable to talk with eDir, causing TED to cleanup its
working directory. This appears to be a timing issue.
Formerly known as TID# 10100277 NOVL104950
Formerly known as TID# 10100277 NOVL104950