ZPM Update Server 6.2 is supported on Windows XP SP1 forevaluation purposes only and no other service packs of Windows XP are supported. Therefore, PLUS on Windows XP SP2 is an unsupported configuration, especially in a production environment.
If you are still evaluating ZPM Update and would like to continue your evaluation on Windows XP SP2 (with the understanding that this is an unsupported, non-tested configuration), you may use the following workaround:
In the Windows XP SP2 Firewall configuration settings, allow an
exemption for SQLAGENTSERVICE.exe.
If your ZPM Update production server is running on Windows XP, move
the PLUS to one of the supported operating systems listed in the
6.2 Installation Guide. Refer to article 5 for instructions on transferring the
PLUS database to a new server.