Steps to take when security policies require a SQL DBO password change for the ZAM database.
1. Update the ZENworks Asset Management Database and Modify the ODBC Settings
Go to the machine where ZENworks Asset Management was initially installed
Browse to the installation directory, by default this is C:\Program Files\Novell\ZENworks\Asset Management\bin
Locate the file named 'UpdateAppConnect.exe' [If this is a StandAlone ZAM installation, this file is not present and it will be necessary to contact Novell Tech Support]
Launch 'UpdateAppConnect.exe' and when prompted with a login box (as if logging into the ZAM Manager, enter the database owner password, in a default installation this account is NCSystem you may have specified a different user.
Enter the new password that you created
Click OK
You should get a message saying the database has been updated
Click OK
Click OK