Salvage from Windows client shows 0 purgeable space on OES Linux NSS volumes

  • 3003516
  • 20-Jun-2006
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell Open Enterprise Server (Linux based)
Support Pack 2


Using novell-ncpserv-1.3-2 and novell-ncp-5.0.1-16

The OES Linux server is not sending back purgeable blocks information on NCP 22
subfunction 44.

How to reproduce.
Map a windows client to a NSS volume on Linux OES.
Have salvage on the volume and delete some files so purgeable files do exist.
From the workstation go to Windows Explorer and right click the drive you mapped to
the Linux NSS volume and choose Properties.  Choose the "Net Ware Volume
Statistics" and you will see 0 for purgeable space.
There is no problem in actually salvaging the files.


This has been fixed.  Please update to the latest version.

Additional Information

To find the purgeable space go to the server console and enter"nssmu" select "volumes" and look at the purgeable space for your specific volume.  You can also select "pools" and see the purgeable space for the pool.
If you need to purge a volume you can enter "ncpcon" from the server console, then enter "purge volume VOLNAME" where VOLNAME is replaced with the volume you want to purge.

Change Log

4-5-2010 - Juston Mortenson - Removed reported to engineering comment and added that it is fixed by updating.