Novell ZENworks Desktop Management 6.5 - ZDM6.5 Imaging
Novell ZENworks Desktop Management 6.5 - ZDM6.5 PreBoot Services (PXE)
Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Support Pack 1 - ZDM7 SP1 Imaging
Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Support Pack 1 - ZDM7 SP1 PreBoot Services (PXE)
After an upgrade from ZENworks for Desktops 6.5 to ZENworks for Desktops 6.5 service pack 2 in a cluster environment, imaging server would no longer find "work to do" through automatic imaging process. Manual imaging however, was successful.
The following error was also noted in the ZIMGDBG.LOG : "[RAD] Error -603, "zenimgImagingService","MyServer-ZIS.MyOU.MyO""
In addition, be sure to check the cluster nodes for the following files: dts.ini , tftp.ini , and pdhcp.ini in the system directory of each cluster node. The following documentation can be used to configure those files properly: https://www.novell.com/documentation/zenworks7/dm7install/data/br0nns5.html
The zenimgImagingService attribute should be pointing to the imaging server ZIS object. In the case of a cluster, this will be the cluster ZIS object, not each individual cluster node. In order to correct this issue follow these steps:
1. Open ConsoleOne and verify that the ZIS object for your cluster node exists in the same container as your cluster object (Object will be named MyClusterObject-ZIS , where MyClusterObject is the name of your cluster object). If the ZIS object does not exist please see TID 3780257.
2. Browse to the server object for one of your cluster nodes.
3. Open the properties of the server object and select the Other tab.
4. You should find a zenimgImagingService attribute on this screen. If not, you will need to select Add from the right hand column and add the attribute manually.
5. Change/Set the value of the zenimgImagingService attribute to the DN of your cluster ZIS object (eg: MyClusterObject-ZIS.MyOU.MyO ) 3780257.
6. Repeat steps 1-4 for each additional node in the cluster.
7. Unload and reload your cluster in order to process your cluster scripts and effectively restart your ZENworks services. After the services come back up, you automatic imaging should continue working as designed and find any designated "work to do".
Additional Information
Error as seen in the ZIMGDBG.LOG :
" Thu Jun 15 09:59:51 2006 -- [RPWP] PSI size = 528, 528
Dumping PrebootStateInformation:
Version ............... 1
State ................. 0
Work DN ................
Task ID ................ 0
Task Completion Code ... 0
Thu Jun 15 09:59:51 2006 -- [GWTD] 1067
Thu Jun 15 09:59:51 2006 -- [RAD] Error -603, "zenimgImagingService","MyServer-ZIS.MyOU.MyO"
Thu Jun 15 09:59:51 2006 -- [LAIS]: RAD error, -603
Thu Jun 15 09:59:51 2006 -- [GWTD] LAS failure, -603
Thu Jun 15 09:59:51 2006 -- [GEMI] -603
Thu Jun 15 09:59:51 2006 -- [GWTD] done, -603
Thu Jun 15 09:59:51 2006 -- [HC] done, PROXY_CMD_CHECK_WS
Thu Jun 15 09:59:51 2006 -- [HC] received PROXY_CMD_CLOSE
Thu Jun 15 09:59:51 2006 -- [ECC] close connection,
Thu Jun 15 09:59:51 2006 -- [ECC] CS "
" Thu Jun 15 09:59:51 2006 -- [RPWP] PSI size = 528, 528
Dumping PrebootStateInformation:
Version ............... 1
State ................. 0
Work DN ................
Task ID ................ 0
Task Completion Code ... 0
Thu Jun 15 09:59:51 2006 -- [GWTD] 1067
Thu Jun 15 09:59:51 2006 -- [RAD] Error -603, "zenimgImagingService","MyServer-ZIS.MyOU.MyO"
Thu Jun 15 09:59:51 2006 -- [LAIS]: RAD error, -603
Thu Jun 15 09:59:51 2006 -- [GWTD] LAS failure, -603
Thu Jun 15 09:59:51 2006 -- [GEMI] -603
Thu Jun 15 09:59:51 2006 -- [GWTD] done, -603
Thu Jun 15 09:59:51 2006 -- [HC] done, PROXY_CMD_CHECK_WS
Thu Jun 15 09:59:51 2006 -- [HC] received PROXY_CMD_CLOSE
Thu Jun 15 09:59:51 2006 -- [ECC] close connection,
Thu Jun 15 09:59:51 2006 -- [ECC] CS "
Change Log
10 Mar 2010 - Alan Ehlert - Added ZDM 7 Product (Tid info fixed a ZDM 7 customer), edit fonts and text and add white space for readability, Resolution item 1 seems to be missing a tid #, added tid # 3432231 to 'If the ZIS object does not exist please see TID ' statement.
23 Feb 2009 - kfinlayson - Fixed a link.