Conflicting .novell and .ximian packages appear when running rug lu

  • 3001898
  • 09-Aug-2006
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks Linux Management Linux Management 6.6.2 - ZLM 6.6.2
Novell ZENworks Linux Management Linux Management 6.6.1 - ZLM 6.6.1


When a "rug lu" (rug list updates) command is issued, both .ximian and .novell packages are listed and conflict.

server:~ etc/ximian # rug ref
Refreshing channel data
Refresh complete
server:~ etc/ximian # rug lu

Updates for channel 'zenworks66'
Urg | Name | Current Version | Update Version
sug | gimli | 0.7-1.novell.1.1 | 0.7-1.ximian.1.1
sug | php-HTTP-Request | 1.1.0-3.novell.1.1 | 1.1.0-3.ximian.1.1
sug | php-Net-URL | 1.0.6-4.novell.1.0 | 1.0.6-4.ximian.1.0
sug | php4-pear | 4.3.4-44.novell.1.1 | 4.3.4-44.ximian.1.1
sug | python-shmmodule | 0.0.0-0.novell.1.2 | 0.0.0-0.ximian.1.2
sug | x7bit | 0.0.1-0.novell.1.0 | 0.0.1-0.ximian.1.0
server:~ etc/ximian #


This has been fixed in the server so both should not show up in the list now.