This error is occurring if a local HTTP proxy requires domain credentials authentication while the PlateSpin OFX service uses a local admin user (default).
If a local proxy with authentication is used in your environment you will need to make two changes to the PlateSpin Server.
Solution 1: Modify the account that the PlateSpin Operations Framework Controller Service uses
- Open Windows Service Console and locate the PlateSpin Operations Framework Controller Service
- Stop the service
- Right click the service and select Properties and click on the Log On tab
- Change the current username (_Platespin) to a Domain user with administrative rights and its password
- Click Okay and run the service
- Try the discovery again
Solution 2: Modify the system wide .NET 2.0 Configuration to include proxy information
- Open My Computer and navigate to <WINDOWS>\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\CONFIG
- Locate the machine.config file and open it with notepad
- Add the below Lines to the end of the configuration file.
- Restart IIS on the PowerConvert Server
usesystemdefault = "false"
This will resolve the 407: Proxy Authentication Required error message as this changes the system wide .NET 2.0 Configuration to not use the systems default proxy. This can be an issue if a proxy server requires authentication and the PowerConvert Server is not able to authenticate to the server.