Discovery fails with The request failed with HTTP status 407 message

  • 7920339
  • 10-Aug-2005
  • 13-May-2015


PlateSpin Migrate
PlateSpin Protect
PlateSpin Forge


The following article describes the troubleshooting procedures for discovery error in PowerConvert 5.0 and up. When attempting a discovery it will fail with the following or similar message:
Discovery fails generating the error The request failed with HTTP status 407


This error is occurring if a local HTTP proxy requires domain credentials authentication while the PlateSpin OFX service uses a local admin user (default).



If a local proxy with authentication is used in your environment you will need to make two changes to the PlateSpin Server.

Solution 1: Modify the account that the PlateSpin Operations Framework Controller Service uses

  1. Open Windows Service Console and locate the PlateSpin Operations Framework Controller Service
  2. Stop the service
  3. Right click the service and select Properties and click on the Log On tab
  4. Change the current username (_Platespin) to a Domain user with administrative rights and its password
  5. Click Okay and run the service
  6. Try the discovery again

Solution 2: Modify the system wide .NET 2.0 Configuration to include proxy information

  1. Open My Computer and navigate to <WINDOWS>\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\CONFIG
  2. Locate the machine.config file and open it with notepad
  3. Add the below Lines to the end of the configuration file.
  4. Restart IIS on the PowerConvert Server

usesystemdefault = "false"

This will resolve the 407: Proxy Authentication Required error message as this changes the system wide .NET 2.0 Configuration to not use the systems default proxy.  This can be an issue if a proxy server requires authentication and the PowerConvert Server is not able to authenticate to the server.